Cost and insurance of podiatric soles

Contact us for advice on your health insurance reimbursements

Check your insurance
stichting loop Willeke en Wim Benerink Podoloog/Podotherapeut in Denekamp, Oldenzaal en Losser
Podologie Benerink de voetenexpert in Oldenzaal, Denekamp, Losser en omgeving


Free advice/consultation by appointment. The cost of soles includes consultation;

  • Adults first pair € 215 including consultation and second pair € 140
  • Children € 205 (Children up to 16 years of age) including consultation
  • Follow-up checks free of charge for up to six months
  • Repair inlay € 40,-
  • Ortheses from €25

These costs are partially to fully reimbursed by your health insurance company (check with your health insurance company). Check with the 'LOOP' foundation for a total list of insurance and reimbursements, see link above.

Willeke en Wim Benerink Podoloog/Podotherapeut in Denekamp, Oldenzaal en Losser
Podologie Benerink v.o.f.
KVK 60168757
47591 MA, Denekamp
Bel voor afspraken:
(+31) 0541 - 22 94 24
(+31) 06 - 103 425 74


Locatie Oldenzaal

KroeseWevers kantoor
De Matenstraat 47
7572 BV Oldenzaal

Locatie Losser

Carint Losser
Luttersestraat 2a
7581 BV Losser

Locatie Denekamp

Gemeentehuis Denekamp Nicolaasplein 5
7591 MA Denekamp

Locaties Duitsland 

Nordhorn (op locatie)
Neuenhaus (op locatie)
Lingen (op locatie)