Meanwhile, registry podiatry training has been scaled up to a higher level. Whereas previously anyone could call themselves a podiatrist, this is no longer the case. Only a registered Podiatrist affiliated with foundation loop will receive reimbursement from the health insurance company.
The specialty focuses on the treatment and prevention of complaints resulting from improper position or function of the feet and/or toes. The registered podiatrist focuses not only on the foot itself, but also on abnormalities of the entire musculoskeletal system resulting from foot problems. He prevents, recognizes and treats foot pain and complaints higher up in the body caused by an abnormality in the foot. He also has specialized knowledge of (risks in) the growing pediatric foot and of foot care for high-risk feet such as those with rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. The registered podiatrist is a paramedic and provides both preventive and curative foot care. ( FoundationLoop)
A registered podiatrist has been trained at the Academy of Podiatry, is registered in the professional register at LOOP and in the quality register at KABIZ (Quality Registration and Accreditation Healthcare Professionals). He continues to develop, keeping his knowledge and skills current and deepening them with (continuing) education and other expertise-promoting activities. He also goes through a quality audit. Only with good results in quality may these foot specialists (continue to) call themselves registered podiatrists. Podiatry training has also been scaled up to the NLQF level. This means when your registered podiatrist has completed this mandatory upskilling, he/she is also allowed to treat diabetics and rheumatoid arthritis patients. These treatments are often reimbursed from your basic insurance.
In short if you have foot pain and or knee, hip, back, neck headache pain then you have come to the right place with the registered podiatrist. If you need nail problems and wound care beyond foot pain and other complaints, you have come to the right place with a podiatrist.